How to Get Your Kids to Embrace Hyssop Health
by Joline Buscemi

If you’ve already discovered the power of oregano oil and how well it works to keep yourself healthy, you might be wondering about the rest of the family. Good news: Hyssop Health products are gentle enough for kids, too.
Children are exposed to germs nearly everywhere they go, at school, on the playground, on the school bus, at the store. Their immune systems are still learning how to fight off colds, and that can translate to lots of sick days. It’s not only tough to see your kid feel ill, but it can be majorly inconvenient — in between missing school, taking time off work, and trying to manage daily life, the less time the family is sick, the better.
Adding in safe, gentle, and effective immune support like oregano oil can give kids a boost of protection. Two Hyssop Health products can help: the liquid supplement can aid the immune system fight off colds, while the nasal spray can lessen symptoms like stuffy noses, sinus headaches, and congestion. And because Hyssop Health uses less oregano oil than other oregano oil products, it is easy to embrace the tingle.
But getting kids to embrace the herbal oregano oil can be a challenge. Fortunately, it’s not impossible, and there are a few ways to make the herb more palatable for children
1. Mix it with cranberry or cherry juice
Tart flavors, like those in cranberry and cherry juice, hide the strong taste of oregano oil. The juice can be taken alongside the liquid supplement, or a few sprays can be added to the juice. While letting the supplement absorb in the mouth is the best way to take it, it is safe to swallow and still imparts some of the positive immune benefits.
2. Combine it with spearmint or peppermint
Contrary to a capsule which is taken orally and solely addresses internal maladies, oregano oil sprays can be used topically to alleviate a wide range of problems such as acne, ear infections, athlete’s foot, and gum disease. It can also help to heal and disinfect surface wounds.
3. Be gentle when using nasal spray
Using nasal spray can be scary for children, but by being gentle, some children will happily use oregano nasal spray. Don’t put the applicator very far into your child’s nose. Instead use the spray at the very edge of your child’s nostril, and dispense a small amount. If your child is old enough, they may prefer to use the spray themselves with your supervision and guidance.
While it may initially take some coaxing to encourage your child to take oregano oil, we’ve seen something striking. It turns out, when kids realize that the oregano oil keeps them happy and healthy, they start to embrace it. Soon, your child might readily accept the liquid supplement or nasal spray all on their own, without the need to cover the taste. And with oregano oil upping your family’s defenses, you can say hello to more healthy days.